Cupressus cashmeriana – Kashmir Cypress


Cupressus cashmeriana( Kashmir Cypress ) is an evergreen conifer that is native to northern India and Bhutan. Kashmir Cypress is widely grown for its beautiful weeping blue-green foliage. The trees are popular as a feature or grown indoors as a bonsai specimen. They are grow quickly and can reach five metres in height in their first.

Suitable for Cold, Temperate and Sub-Tropical climates.

Cupressus cashmeriana ( Kashmir Cypress ) is an evergreen conifer that is native to northern India and Bhutan. Kashmir Cypress is widely grown for its beautiful weeping blue-green foliage. The trees are popular as a feature or grown indoors as a bonsai specimen. They grow quickly and can reach five metres in height in their first.

Suitable for Cold, Temperate and Sub-Tropical climates.


Cupressus cashmeriana is a medium-sized weeping tree that can reach heights of up to 45 metres (148 feet). They are often grown in private parks, public gardens or as bonsai and feature trees. Kashmir Cypress trees enjoy moist soil and cold or temperate conditions. In its native range near the Himalayas specimens have been known to grow beyond 90 metres (280 feet) but 10-12 metres is the average range in the United States.

The foliage grows in a weeping fashion of blue-green and the leaves are scaly up to 2 mm long. Seed cones are ovoid roughly 20 mm by 20 mm with 8-12 scales and can take up to 24 months to ripen on the tree.

Kashmir Cypress trees are cold hardy and enjoy full sun but are less tolerant of strong winds or drought. Unlike most conifers, they do require regular watering.

How to Germinate Kashmir Cypress Seeds

Getting Kashmir Cypress seeds to germinate is relatively easy if stratification is done prior to sowing. Stratification helps break the dormancy that seeds use to protect themselves from sprouting during winter. Luckily, Cupressus cashameriana seeds take less time when compared to most other tree seeds. After soaking the seeds for 24 hours the seeds go into the fridge for 4 weeks to help wear down their hard outer shell. Once the four weeks is finished, the seeds are ready to sow. Some trees can require 3-6 months in the fridge before sowing due to the varying nature of their dormancy. If seeds aren’t sown directly after being in the fridge they can return to dormancy and will require another stratification period to germinate.

Another point to consider is when to sow. As an established tree Kashmir Cypress can tolerate temperatures well below zero. But a young seedling will die on a mild winters day. Spring is the best time to sow because it allows the young plants up to 9 months to prepare, which is no different to circumstances they face in the wild. Even so, it is recommended that young plants be brought indoors or offered some protection during their first full winter.

A step by step guide can be found in the Germination Instructions tab.




Cold – Sub Tropical


-15 to 25°C / -5 to 77°F


Soil must be well draining.


Full Sun


Up to 45 metres (148 feet)


Up to 8 metres (25 feet)










15-20 years


55-85% dependent on length of cold stratification period.


Cold stratification for 4 weeks, post sowing germination from 3-4 weeks


Approximately 150






One specimen has been recorded at 95 metres (312 ft) tall but has yet to be officially verified.

A study found that Cupressus cashmeriana can grow up to 45 cm (18 inches) per year.

One nursery in Victoria, Australia has Kashmir Cypress trees available in 20 cm pots for $45.

Kashmir Cypress is the national tree of Bhutan.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 26 × 16 × .5 cm

20 Seeds, 50 Seeds, Seedling

Germination Instructions


Step 1

Soak seeds for 24 hours in water and then place the seeds into a plastic zip-lock with roughly a tablespoon of moist sandy-like soil. It is important that the soil is moist but not wet – if you can squeeze water from the mixture it is too wet. Write the date on the bag and place it into the fridge for 4 weeks.

Check weekly to make sure the soil is not drying out. It should be fine if the zip lock is sealed well but best to check because once this process is begun the seeds will not survive if they dry out.

Step 2

Once cold stratification is complete, sow each seed about 3 mm deep into seed trays or small pots of a well draining garden soil and moisten.

Place the trays or pots in a well lit position out of full sun. Be sure to keep soil moist (but not wet) as again Kashmir Cypress will not tolerate drying out as seeds or seedlings and drought at this stage will kill them quickly.

Average seed germination begins around 3-4 weeks

Step 3

Seedlings can be transplanted once they are around an inch tall if necessary. If sown separately in small pots they can be left until they are slightly root bound and require transplantation.

Step 4

Plant into final position after last frosts have passed. Kashmir Cypress prefer a full sun position. Once established, this species will survive severe cold to -15°C / -5°F.

Kashmir Cypress can take between 15-20 years to reach maturity and require very little maintenance.

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