Etlingera elatior – Pink Torch Ginger Lily


Pink Torch Ginger Lily ( Etlingera elatior ) is a clumping, herbaceous perennial plant that is native to Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. This species is a member of the ginger family that is used in culinary dishes such as Laksa and curries in its native regions; but is more commonly grown elsewhere as an ornamental. Pink Torch Ginger Lily grows natively in tropical climates and is not frost or cold tolerant, dying at temperatures from 10°C / 50°F and below.

Suitable Tropical & Sub-Tropical climates. Can be grown in temperate climates with extra care.

Pink Torch Ginger Lily ( Etlingera elatior ) is a clumping, herbaceous perennial plant that is native to Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. This species is a member of the ginger family that is used in culinary dishes such as Laksa and curries in its native regions; but is more commonly grown elsewhere as an ornamental. Pink Torch Ginger Lily grows natively in tropical climates and is not frost or cold tolerant, dying at temperatures from 10°C / 50°F and below.

Etlingera elatior is a beautiful tropical looking plant that has almost palm tree like leaves but growing in a similar way to a fern. They can be grown outside of the tropics but require protection from cold, frost and wind and often can be high care. Not highly recommended as a permanently indoor plant because they may find it difficult to flower in these conditions.

Other common names include Philippine Wax Flower, Wild Ginger, Torch Ginger, Bunga Kantan, Combrang and Ginger Lily.


The shoots of the Pink Torch Ginger Lily can grow as tall as 5-6 metres in tropical conditions, in cooler climates they are unlikely to get anywhere near this tall. The leaves are green, lanceolate and grow to approximately 20-30 cm’s long off the shoots. The plant grows underground rhizomes which can spread around the garden, it can also be propagated via these rhizomes.

The flowers grow on sturdy stems up to 1 metre tall and make an excellent cut flower; in some countries it is cultivated for this purpose. The flowers are large, round-cone shaped and surrounded by large petal looking bracts the same colour as the flower that open to reveal the flower head inside. The flower head is around 10 cm in diameter but including the bracts are more towards 15 cm in size.

Etlingera elatior will grow well in pots and this will prevent them spreading. This is probably the best way to grow them in cooler climates, so that they can be overwintered indoors. Protect from heavy winds that can damage there foliage.





Tropical & Sub-Tropical, can be grown in temperate regions but will need extra care.


10°C to 35°C / 50 to 95°F


Moist, nutrient rich soil.


Shade – Part Shade – Full Sun (Grows best in moist shaded locations).


Up to 6 metres (20 feet)


Up to 2 metres (6.5 feet)




Evergreen, Clumping, Fast Growing.




Pollinated by Birds, Bats, Small Mammals and Ants.


1-2 years




3-8 weeks


Coming Soon







Torch Ginger Lily’s have been used in traditional medicine for centuries and have anti-fungal; anti-bacterial; cytotoxic; antioxidant and liver protecting properties.

Etlingera elatior are classed as invasive in Hawaii, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico & China.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 26 × 16 × .5 cm

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 Seeds, 30 Seeds, Seedling

Germination Instructions



Note: Pink Torch Ginger prefers humid, hot tropical climates but can be raised in warm greenhouses or indoors in colder climates whilst young. Although they do not need direct bright sunlight and prefer a part shade position, they do require up to 16 hours of light per day, so grow during the times of the year that will provide this amount of day light.

Step 1
Place the seeds into a glass of boiled water that has cooled enough to touch and leave to soak for 24-48 hours, changing the water every 12-24 hours to prevent bacteria build up.

Step 2
Immediately after soaking (scarification) sow seeds 2-3 mm deep into small pots or a seedling tray of seed raising mix and moisten with a gentle mist spray hose or bottle.

If you do not live in a tropical region, we recommend placing them in a greenhouse or place either clear kitchen wrap, clear plastic or glass over your pots/tray to maintain a moist and humid environment. A well lit location is needed away from direct sunlight.

Temperatures required for optimal germination are between 23-28°C / 74-82°F – if you cannot provide these temperatures naturally, you will need to use a heat mat (propagation mat).

In ideal temperatures germination will begin around 3-4 weeks but slight changes in these conditions such as low overnight temperatures; can cause delays in germination of up to a further 4 weeks.

Step 3
Keep soil moist during the entire germination process, if the soil dries out completely at any stage once germination has begun, the embryo inside the seed will die quite quickly. At the same time avoid the soil being too wet as this can rot the seeds.
Check daily and if applicable open the glad wrap or other covering while you do this to allow some air circulation and avoid fungal growth.

Step 4
Once germination has begun remove any covering over a weeks period, starting with a small part uncovered and moving to completely open to the outside environment. This will help your seedlings adjust to the outside air and avoid getting in the way of growing seedlings, if they are not in a greenhouse of course.

Continue to keep moist in a well lit location.

Step 5
Seedlings can be transplanted once they are strong enough to handle if necessary.

Final position outdoors can be in full sun – full shade, this species thrives best in a moist, mostly shaded location. Additional water and a liquid fertiliser is advised when flowering begins.

Etlingera elatior take 1-2 years to flower and respond well to pruning back when needed.

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