Eucalyptus deglupta – Rainbow Eucalyptus


Rainbow Eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus deglupta ) is a large, fast growing tree that is native to the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. This tree is famous for the array of colours that are visible as it sheds its bark. We are often asked whether this tree is real and can understand why; this species does look like they are from a painting or photoshopped; appearing too beautiful to be real. One of the owners of ‘The Seed Vine’ was lucky enough to see these beauties in real life in Costa Rica, back in 2008.

Suitable Tropical & Sub-Tropical climates.

Rainbow Eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus deglupta ) is a large, fast growing tree that is native to the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. This tree is famous for the array of colours that are visible as it sheds its bark. We are often asked whether this tree is real and can understand why; this species does look like they are from a painting or photoshopped; appearing too beautiful to be real. One of the owners of ‘The Seed Vine’ was lucky enough to see these beauties in real life in Costa Rica, back in 2008.

Unlike many eucalyptus species that shed their bark in huge chunks and often all in one season, the Rainbow Eucalyptus sheds small, thin strips all year round; that reveal a green colour underneath, that can sometimes look fluorescent. Over time as this fresh new bark ages, it changes colour that can be range of shades of yellow-orange-bluish-grey-rusty red; eventually drying out and peeling to start the process over again. Due to the small pieces shed and the continuous nature of its shedding, the tree is always full of different colours.

Other common names include Rainbow Gum, Kamarere and Mindanao Gum.


The Eucalyptus deglupta can become a very tall tree in its native habitat. They can reach heights of 75 metres tall and 30 metres wide, with a trunk of almost 2.5 metres in diameter. However, outside of their perfect climate; they are rarely seen over 30 metres tall and 16 metres spread.

The flowers are typical of a Myrtle, small clusters of white-cream coloured frilly flowers approximately 4 mm in size. Leaves start out a but pinkish as while they are young, developing into a dark green and some say don’t have a strong eucalyptus smell, but rather a slightly fruity smell … but this seems to vary between noses.

The Rainbow eucalyptus is a fast growing tree that can grow up to 1.8 metres per year. It does not tolerate  drought or frost, so although can be grown in warmer Temperate climates requires high care if it is to survive. Suited to Sub-Tropical and Tropical Climates.





Tropical & Sub-Tropical.


5°C to 38°C / 41 to 100°F – Consistent temperatures below 12°C / 53°F can start to cause problems.


Well draining, moist, nutrient rich soil. (Not drought tolerant).


Full Sun to Part Shade


Up to 76 metres (249 feet)


Up to 30 metres (98 feet)




Evergreen, Fast Growing.




Pollinated by Bees, Bisexual Flower


1-2 years in ideal conditions




1-3 weeks


Approximately 2,000-5,000




No, it is considered by some to be invasive in Hawaii.




Eucalyptus deglupta are grown on coffee plantations in Costa Rica as shade for the coffee trees because they are fast growing.

The Rainbow Eucalyptus is commercially grown in tropical regions for paper pulp and can be ready to harvest within 5-6 years.

Unfortunately this species is endangered in its natural regions due to logging and deforestation.

Although the oil produced from the Eucalyptus deglupta has shown anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties; it does not produce enough oil for it to be used for this purpose commercially.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 26 × 16 × 0.5 cm

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 40 Seeds, 100 Seeds, Seedling, 20 Seeds

Germination Instructions



Step 1
Prepare a seedling tray or pots with a well draining seed raising mix and surface sow (sprinkle) the seeds onto the surface. Rainbow Eucalyptus require light to germinate, so are best left uncovered. You can cover the seeds very lightly if you wish but only a light sprinkle.

Moisten the soil with a mist spray bottle to avoid disturbing the tiny seeds.

Step 2
Cover tray/pots with glad wrap if you do not live in a tropical climate or have a mini greenhouse to maintain warmth, humidity and moisture. This is natively a tropical plant, so needs both of these for germination to occur.

Place into a warm, well lit location that is out of full direct sunlight that could cook the seeds and dry out the soil, which must remain moist at all times – but not wet as this can cause bacterial/fungal growth, drown seeds and also dampening off of seedlings. If you could squeeze water from the soil, it is too wet.

Soil must be warm for germination to occur, the ideal temperatures for germination are 22-26°C / 72-79°F. If you cannot provide these temperatures naturally or indoors; you will need to use a heat mat.

Germination usually begins within 1-3 weeks in good conditions.

Step 3
Lift glad wrap a little (if applicable) and check seedlings daily to allow some air flow and make sure the soil has not dried out; re-moisten with a mist spray bottle if necessary. Using a light mist spray is important because stronger flow can disturb the tiny seeds and if the have begun to form tiny roots, they will not survive the movement.

Once germination has begun the Glad wrap can be slowly lifted a bit at a time over a week or two, this will allow room for the seedlings to grow and help adapt them to the environment outside.

Keep seedlings indoors if weather is not appropriate outdoors.

Step 4
Seedling can be transplanted if necessary once they are large enough to handle easily (around 5 cm tall) but are best left, if appropriate until they are roughly 20-30 cm tall.

Can be transferred into a larger pot for growing on, but can also go into ground at this stage if your climate is suitable.

As a fast growing species, support will possibly be needed with a bamboo stake or similar.

Step 5
Transplant to final position in Spring in ideal climates. A full sun – part shade position with moist soil and lots of room to grow will be needed.

If you are taking the challenge of growing this species in a less than ideal location, it will need to be kept in a pot for as long as possible. During winter it will need to be taken inside, in a sunny room where temperatures preferably do not dip below 15°C / 60°F. A humidifier will be beneficial for survival.

Here in Victoria, we have never attempted to plant one of these outdoors, so can not say for sure how they would tolerate these conditions, even in a good location protected from any cold winds and frost.

Once established, they will survive mild cold weather if not for long periods.

The Rainbow eucalyptus takes around 1-2 years to flower in its ideal climate.

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