Cyrtostachys renda – Lipstick Palm


The Lipstick Palm ( Cyrtostachys renda ) is an stunning clumping palm that is native to Indonesia, Borneo, Thailand, Malaysia and Sumatra. It has become popular worldwide due to its bright red trunks and contrasting bright green foliage, unfortunately for many, it is a tropical plant and will not survive outdoors in other climates, or indoors without high care.

Tropical Climates Only Outdoors – can be grown with high care in other climates.

The Lipstick Palm ( Cyrtostachys renda ) is an stunning clumping palm that is native to Indonesia, Borneo, Thailand, Malaysia and Sumatra. It has become popular worldwide due to its bright red trunks and contrasting bright green foliage, unfortunately for many, it is a tropical plant and will not survive outdoors in other climates, or indoors without high care.

We keep 4 plants alive here in Melbourne through the cool winter and will add a blog post at some point with photos. Although we have several greenhouses / hot houses here on site, we take the Cyrtostachys renda home and inside for the winter. The Lipstick Palms are kept on a table next to the window in the brightest room of the house. Heat mats are on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week unless it is a sunny day and there is a lot of warmth coming through the window. We also have heating going that keeps the house between 18-20°C during the winter, as well as a humidifier in the room running constantly. At the end of winter they are still looking beautiful.

The Lipstick Palm is also known as the Red Sealing Wax Palm. It was given this name because its red trunks were considered the same colour as the red wax that was used to seal letters. The plant does not provide wax.


Cyrtostachys renda is a clumping palm that can grow to heights of 15 metres, although this is uncommon outside of their native countries, they are more often seen at around 3-6 metres in other tropical zones. Indoors they will be smaller again, especially if in cooler climates. The Lipstick Palm is slow growing and its bright red stems will not be on show until they are a few years old, they will however from an early age start to produce offshoots so you end up with an average of 3-5 stems /trunks.

The leaves are easily identifiable by their boat shape and lengthways concertina appearance. they are a rich, bright green and stunning. Its fruit is black when ripe and holds one seed per fruit. There really isn’t anything to not love about the appearance of these beauties, especially if you live in the tropics. Tolerate full sun once established but prefers dappled or afternoon shade. can grow naturally on the edges of marshland and tolerate wet seasonal soils.

Growing these lovely palms from seed is not really for beginners, they require consistent heat and moisture for long periods for germination to occur … which can take up to 9-12 months!


Tropical only outdoors – can be grown in other zones but is high care.


15 to 38°C / 60 to 100°F. Temperatures that drop below 12 °C can be fatal.


A well draining but consistently moist soil.


Dappled shade to afternoon shade preferred, will tolerate full sun once established.


Up to 15 metres (350 feet) although rare outside if its native lands.


Up to 7 metres (23 feet)




Evergreen, Clumping


Medium – High




3-5 years




Up to 12 months!









The Lipstick Palm is a clumping or cluster palm, which means it will offset new shoots. When you see these and it looks like several have been planted close together, this is not the case but how they naturally grow.

This high maintenance plant is not tolerant of cold, frost, salt, drought or extreme heat.

The Cyrtostachys renda was listed as vulnerable in 1995 due to heavy harvesting in its native lands. However the Indonesian government developed laws to protect the species, the species has since been removed from the protected species list as of 2000.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 26 × 16 × .5 cm

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 Seeds, 30 Seeds, 100 Seeds, 500 Seeds, Seedling

Germination Instructions



*Lipstick Palms are notoriously difficult to germinate due to their natural dormancy and hard coconut like shell. Dependent on age of seed they can take 3-12 month to germinate – the freshest seed are not always the quickest!

Step 1
Soak seeds in a glass of water for 24-48, changing the water every 12 hours to avoid bacteria build up. This will assist with scarification prior to sowing.

Lipstick palm seeds will sprout if left loosely in a zip lock bag with some moist vermiculite. This may take 12 months and needs to have a small amount of light and warm temperatures! Although this is not recommended as a growing technique.

Step 2
To sow after soaking, use a moist sphagnum moss or seed raising mix as your medium. Sow in small individual pots to avoid transplanting too early.

Press seeds onto the surface to make good contact with moisture and cover with a layer of vermiculite about the same width as the seed (this allows some light to penetrate) or a thin layer of moist sphagnum or further soil 1-2 mm. Water in well If you have used soil, sphagnum moss should already be moist.

Step 3
If you have a mini greenhouse place the pots into there, if not  cover your pots with clear plastic, glass or kitchen wrap (glad wrap). Place in a well lit location that is away from direct sun.  Keep medium moist at all times!

As a tropical plant the medium needs to be kept warm at all times during germination.

Temperatures needed for germination are 25-30°C / 77-86°F.  If you can not provide temperatures in this range a heat mat will be necessary!

Germination generally staggers, you may see sprouts in ideal conditions as early as 12-16 weeks but can be as late as 9-12 months.

Step 4
Avoid transplanting until necessary and make sure seedlings are protected from any cold weather or wind. Temperatures below 12° can be fatal. This species is not drought tolerant, so be sure to water regularly.

Once established; plants are quite hardy in tropical regions but need extra care elsewhere, including indoor care (at least for the winter). Lipstick Palms can remain in a medium pot for years.

Step 5
If you live in a tropical climate you can plant this Palm outdoors. A dappled shaded spot is preferred but afternoon shade is also good. Will become full sun tolerant as they mature but look healthier when grown in some shade.

Soil should be rich and moist at all times.

Will grow fastest when the temperatures are warmer.

Lipstick Palm trees can take between 3-5 years to become sexually mature.

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