Euterpe oleracea – Acai Palm


The Acai Palm ( Euterpe oleracea ) is a tall, clumping palm tree. It is native to tropical areas of South America. These trees can often found growing naturally along water ways; or in areas with seasonal flooding in their native environment. The fruit of the Euterpe oleracea is black to dark purple in colour and contain beneficial vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The juice from the Acai berry is apparently the highest consumed beverage in the Amazon, with some drinking up to a litre a day.

Suitable for Tropical climates where average annual temperatures are mid 20°C and nights do not drop below 15°C. This species is not frost tolerant.

The Acai Palm ( Euterpe oleracea ) is a tall, clumping palm tree. It is native to tropical areas of South America. These trees can often found growing naturally along water ways; or in areas with seasonal flooding in their native environment. The fruit of the Euterpe oleracea is black to dark purple in colour and contain beneficial vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The juice from the Acai berry is apparently the highest consumed beverage in the Amazon, with some drinking up to a litre a day.

Suitable for Tropical climates where average annual temperatures are mid 20°C and nights do not drop below 15°C. This species is not frost tolerant.

Other common names include Assai, Huasai & Acai Branco.


Euterpe oleracea is a clumping palm and grows on average an extra 4-8 stems (trunks). In their native regions, they have been known to develop as many as 20 stems; with each stem getting as tall as 20-25 metres. However in cultivation, they can mature anywhere between 3-10 metres in height. This is due to them not having to compete with other species for light; as they would in rainforest circumstances. Acai Palms prefer a shaded location under the canopy of other trees while young, although often become a canopy tree themselves once full grown.

The very attractive leaves are pinnately compound, typically palm like and can reach 3-4 metres in length. Although the leaves grow in an erect way, the pinnae (individual leaves) are pendulous (hang downwards) and can be over a metre long.

The fruit is black-purple in colour and usually measures anywhere between 1-2 cm’s in diameter, the seed takes up most of the fruits size, with the edible flesh and skin taking up only approximately 2-3 mm of the full size. Each individual tree stem can produce 5-8 bunches of fruit twice a year, with each bunch containing 500-800 fruits per bunch, so once this palm is fruiting – there is no shortage of edible fruit.

Acai Palm can be grown in cooler regions but are high care and would need a climate controlled greenhouse during the winter.


Tropical & Sub-Tropical


15 to 35°C / 60 to 95°F – consistent humidity


Moist and organically rich Sand, Silt, Clay soils.


Part Shade – Full Sun


Up to 25 metres (82 feet)


Up to 15 metres (50 feet). This is highly variable; depending on quantity of clumping stems.




Evergreen, Fast Growing, Clumping.




Insects. Bisexual Flower


4-8 years




50-80 days


Approximately 900







Euterpe oleracea has played a part in traditional Amazonian medicine for centuries and is used to treat a number of ailments. More studies are required to show effectiveness of their use for these and potentially other medicinal purposes.

The leaves of the Acai Palm are used for weaving.

In its native lands, the juice from the Acai Berries was labelled ‘a poor mans juice’, only recently when its potential health benefits were noticed by western culture; did it become a popular and expensive ingredient! Acai Berry juice is now commonly available in supermarkets and health food stores.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 26 × 16 × .5 cm

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 Seeds, 30 Seeds, Seedling

Germination Instructions



Step 1
Soak the seeds in water for 24-48 hours, changing the water every 12-24 hours to avoid the build up of bacteria on the seeds.

Step 2
Sow seeds one seed per pot approximately 1-2 cm deep into a good quality composted soil with good drainage. Moisten the soil.

If you do not live in a true tropical location, position the pots into a greenhouse or place plastic kitchen wrap (glad wrap) over the pots to maintain a moist, humid environment.

For germination to occur temperatures must be around 20-26°C / 68-79°F. If you cannot provide these temperatures naturally; you will need to use a heat mat.

High temperatures over 30°C / 86°F can be detrimental to germination rates, so avoid a greenhouse or placement in full sun. Acai seed germination does not appear to be altered by light, so a shaded location is preferred; as long as the temperatures are warm enough.

Germination can be sporadic but in ideal conditions they will germinate anywhere between 4-12 weeks.

Step 3
Check every day to make sure the soil is not drying out and re-water if necessary. This will also allow some air flow through the pots to prevent bacteria and mould.

Once sprouted, if the pots are covered with glad wrap; start to slowly remove this over a weeks period to allow the seedling to adapt to the outside environment and avoid the plastic getting in the way of growth.

Step 4
Transplant seedlings once necessary and large enough to handle. Continue to keep in a dappled to part shade position.

This species is not highly tolerant of drought and need a humid climate in order to survive, so it is important that the soil remains moist, but not waterlogged at this young age.

Seedlings can be gradually introduced to full sun, if this is the final location you would like them in. This should be done slowly over a period of around 2 weeks.

Step 5
Seedlings are usually ready for outdoor transplanting once they are approximately 8 months old. The final position can be in either sun or shade but the Acai Palm will grow best in a moist, dappled shade location, similar to its natural rainforest environment.

Additional water advised when fruiting. Flowering and fruiting normally occurs during the wet season, although the berries are not harvested until the dry season.

Acai Palms can take between 4-8 years to bear fruit.

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