Fatsia japonica – Japanese Aralia


Japanese Aralia ( Fatsia japonica ) is a a stunning evergreen shrub that is hugely popular as an indoor plant. It has large glossy, deeply lobed maple like leaves, that are a vivid green. They are low maintenance, fast growing and happy in those shadier rooms indoors; or those places in the garden where many plants will not thrive. These plants are also pet safe, unlike so many indoor plants!

Suitable for Cold to Tropical areas.

Japanese Aralia ( Fatsia japonica ) is a stunning evergreen shrub that is hugely popular as an indoor plant. It has large glossy, deeply lobed maple like leaves, that are a vivid green. They are low maintenance, fast growing and happy in those shadier rooms indoors; or those places in the garden where many plants will not thrive. These plants are also pet safe, unlike so many indoor plants!

Fatsia japonica are a great feature plant both indoors and outdoors. This species has a tropical look but will grow outdoors even in temperate climates, tolerating. It’s popularity as an indoor plant is not only due to its size and ease of growth but because it is also an indoor air purifying plant; removing toxic chemicals from the air indoors.

This species is native to Japan and Korea. Other common names include Paper Plant; Fatsi; Glossy-Leaved Paper Plant: Aralia; and False Castor Oil Plant. Suitable for any climate although indoors in cold climates.


The Fatsia japonica is fast growing and can get to the size of a small tree at around 2.5-3 metres tall & wide. The leaves are large and though starting out around the size of a 50 cent piece, will quickly grow up to as large as 25-40cm’s! Leaves have an average of 7-8 lobes, but can have 9, they start off bright green and mature to a dark green.

Japanese Aralia are very hardy and there is only a couple of things that this plant wont tolerate, full sun and heavy drought. This species will get leaf burn in full sun locations and prefers a full shade to afternoon shade position; thriving in light but full shade spots. They will tolerate some drought but are very dramatic when they are thirsty; dropping heavily. You won’t forget to water this one, it will definitely let you know which makes them easy care for beginners. Its leaves will jump back up after drooping from dehydration, almost before your eyes. Aralia will barely need extra water outdoors during the winter.

Although mild outdoor frosts can seemingly kill this plant, they will usually pop back up once the weather improves. Heavy pruning to a preferred size is well tolerated, trimming leaves in early Spring will encourage a fuller looking plant; as they can get leggy. The leaves/branches can grow quite large and weighty, similar to a monstera, remove these if they are too large by cutting off at the base.

Indoors will cope with a shadier spot but prefers some indirect light.





Cold – Tropical


-5°C to 40°C / 23 to 104°F


Most well draining soil types, including clay. Growing best in nutrient rich soils.


Shade – Part Shade


Up to 3 metres (10 feet)


Up to 3 metres (10 feet)




Evergreen, Fast Growing.


Low – Medium


Pollinated by insects, Bisexual.


2-4 years




3-12 weeks






None Known




Cold Storage – 4°C (Fridge). 1-2 years




This species has a variegated variety with white & green bi-coloured leaves, called Fatsia Japonica ‘Spiders Web’. This variety can not be grown by seed, only by tissue culture and cuttings. The Spiders Web has gained the Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society.

Japanese Aralia gets one of its common names, False Castor Oil Plant due to its leaf shape which is similar.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 26 × 16 × .5 cm

5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 20 Seeds, 30 Seeds, Seedling

Germination Instructions



Step 1
Soak seeds in cool to luke warm water for up to 24 hours.

Step 2
Sow seeds onto the surface of a seed raising mix or peat moss and gently press to ensure the seed makes good contact with the chosen medium. Leave uncovered or cover with a thin layer of vermiculite (this allows some light in – which is necessary to germinate this species).

These seeds MUST stay moist at all times, drying out of the medium (peat/soil) will kill the seeds embryo quite quickly once germination inside the seed has begun.

Note: You can also grow them in above mentioned soil in a zip lock bag inside the home at room temperature in a shady location and then transplant once sprouted.

Step 3
A warm (not hot) greenhouse or windowsill in a well lit but shaded (not direct full sun) location is needed for germination. Alternatively, if they must be outside cover pot/s with plastic wrap or glass (this will keep warmth and humidity inside pot and also help retain moisture).

Keep soil moist at all times during germination but not soaking wet, as this will rot your seeds.

Optimal soil temperature for germination is 15-20 °C / 60-70°F. Temperature fluctuation is not a problem and can actually be beneficial.

Germination begins at approximately 3-6 weeks in optimal conditions, but can be sporadic and take up to 12 weeks.

Step 4
Once germination has begun, if pots/tray are covered with plastic wrap or glass etc, leave a corner uncovered to allow air circulation and assist seedlings in adapting to the environment outside. Removing plastic wrap slowly but completely over a period of 1-2 weeks.

Step 5
Aralias can be transplanted if necessary once they have at least 2 true leaves.

As an established plant Japanese Aralia needs a medium to full shade location with minimal wind.  Excessive sunlight and strong winds will damage the leaves.

They prefer a well draining but moist soil.

Plants in pots will dry out quicker, than planted ones. This species will let you know if it is thirsty by drooping and will recover rapidly once watered. If in a good location, this plant will let you know by thriving. They are very tough and hardy in the correct location.

Japanese Aralia are best kept in pots until they are at least 6-12 months old, this way they are nice and strong before planting out in Spring.

Fertilise in Spring during the growing season. Will not require much watering, if at all outdoors during the winter.

Annual pruning around early-mid Spring is necessary to maintain bushy growth and healthy leaves. Remove old and ungainly branches right back to the ground. New growth will come from the base.

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