Nyctanthes arbor-tristis – Night Flowering Jasmine


Night Flowering Jasmine ( Nyctanthes arbor-tristis ) is a deciduous shrub or small tree that is native to south and south east Asia. This species is highly valued in the Hindu religion and its beautifully scented flowers are offered in prayers. The flowers are short-live only opening as the sun begins to set; and falling to the ground as the sun begins to rise again. They are collected from the ground to use for prayers which is not a common practice; as other flowers are considered unfit for prayer once they touched the ground.

Suitable for Warm Temperate, Sub-Tropical and Tropical climates.

Night Flowering Jasmine ( Nyctanthes arbor-tristis ) is a deciduous shrub or small tree that is native to south and south east Asia. This species is highly valued in the Hindu religion and its beautifully scented flowers are offered in prayers. The flowers are short-live only opening as the sun begins to set; and falling to the ground as the sun begins to rise again. They are collected from the ground to use for prayers which is not a common practice; as other flowers are considered unfit for prayer once they touched the ground.

The Nyctanthes arbor-tristis can flower profusely and have a strong, sweet smell that is used to make perfume. Placing the fallen blooms around the home, will leave a lovely fragrance throughout. The Night Flowering Jasmine has many common names including Parijat; Coral Jasmine; The Indian Lover’s Tree; Shewali; Tree of Sorrow; Shefali and Har Singa.

Suitable for Warm Temperate, Sub-Tropical and Tropical climates.


Nyctanthes arbor-tristis can grow to approximately 5-8 metres, with a similar width. They can become wider and taller with age but this can also depend on pruning and care. The bark is a grey to light brown colour. Its leaves have serrated edges and are bright green while young; developing into a darker green.

Flowers are in bloom in Autumn and Winter. They are white with an orange centre; sweetly scented. Seed pods are circular to heart shaped with an indented top where they join to the stem. Harvesting for seeds should not be done until the pods have matured to brown and are dry looking.

Night Flowering Jasmine are still quite rare outside of their native lands. This species is not particularly fussy about its soil type; as long as it is well draining. Once established they are reasonably drought tolerant. This species grows naturally in humid Sub-Tropical to Tropical climates, but will cope in Warm Temperate regions; as long as they are well established and are protected from cold winds and frost during colder months. Nyctanthes arbor-tristis will cope with brief, very light frosts.





Warm Temperate – Tropical


2°C to 35°C / 35 to 95°F


Well draining, sandy loam.


Full sun preferred, will grow in part shade.


Up to 8 metres (26 feet)


Up to 8 metres (26 feet)




Deciduous, Shrub-Small Tree




Moths, Bisexual


18-36 months




1-3 weeks, dependent on conditions










Cold Storage – 4°C (Fridge). 1-2 years



This species is also called the Tree of Sorrow; this is apparently because it does not flower during the daytime.

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis is used in traditional medicine to treat sciatica, arthritis, fevers & constipation. It is said to have many medicinal benefits including anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, hepatoprotective, anti-viral, immune stimulating and anti-protozoan properties.

The Night Flowering Jasmine features in many Hindu religious stories and is the official flower of West Bengal, India.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 26 × 16 × 0.5 cm

10 Seeds, 50 Seeds, 200 Seeds, Seedling, 5 Seeds

Germination Instructions



Step 1
Gently break the seeds from their shell, avoiding damage to the actual seed. Once this is complete soak for 1 hour in room temperature water. A 10% bleach to 90% water solution can be used for 10 minutes prior to soaking, this will kill any pathogens living on the seeds and prevent rot and mold of your seeds.
Sterilising your medium by either microwaving it until steaming hot or putting it covered in the oven at 200°C for 30 minutes will also help fight against this issue. Be sure to allow your medium to cool down to 30 °C or less before sowing your seeds.

Step 2
Seeds must be planted straight after soaking, do not allow them to dry out again. This species is not too fussy about medium used but it must be well draining! A seed raising mix, sandy loam or peat are fine.

Sow seeds shallowly into small pots or seedling trays approximately the same depth as the width of the seeds (2mm) and water – do not over water, this species is prone to rot/mold!

Step 3
If you do not have a humid climate or a greenhouse, place plastic kitchen wrap, clear glass or plastic over your pots/tray to maintain warmth, humidity and moisture.

Place in a warm, shaded but light location above 20°C / 70°F. Best germination rates are achieved when light hour (daytime temperatures) are between 25-30°C / 77-86°F, with night time temperatures not dropping below 15°C / 60°F.
If you cannot provide these temperatures naturally, you will need to use a heat mat.

Keep moist at all times but never wet.

Germination will begin in 10-21 days in good conditions.

Step 4
If you have used glad wrap (or similar) over your pots/tray, remove a corner once seeds have begun to germinate. Removing a little more each day over a weeks period, until it is completely gone to avoid any interference with seedling growth.

Transplanting gently is fine once the seedlings have 2-4 true leaves.

Step 5
Keep in pots in a well lit location until plant is strong enough to plant into the garden.

Take indoors or place in a greenhouse if you have cooler winters in your area while plant is still young. and do not plant out until after winter has completely passed. Young plants will not cope with cold winds and frost.

As an established plant; Night Flowering Jasmine can cope with some partial shade but flowers best with full sun. It also seems to prefer the soil to become a little dry between watering.

If not in a sub-tropical or tropical zone where winters are a little warmer, plant in a full sun location that is protected from cold winds and mulch around the base prior to winter to keep it warmer.

Fertilise once a month with a fertiliser rich in phosphorus.

Night Flowering Jasmine takes 18-36 months to flower.

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