Buddleja davidii – Butterfly Bush


Butterfly Bush ( Buddleja davidii ) is a flowering shrub or small tree that is native to China. This species is popular as ornamental in the garden, for its colour and attractiveness to butterflies. It is hardy and fast growing; so much so that it is classed in some countries as invasive.

Buddleja davidii flowers are usually lilac or purple, however there are several other cultivars of red, pink, white and yellow. Cultivars as a rule rarely grow true to type; meaning the plants grown from the seeds will revert back to their original parent plant; which is purple.


Suitable for Cold to Temperate Climates

Butterfly Bush ( Buddleja davidii ) is a flowering shrub or small tree that is native to China. This species is popular as ornamental in the garden, for its colour and attractiveness to butterflies. It is hardy and fast growing; so much so that it is classed in some countries as invasive.

Buddleja davidii flowers are usually lilac or purple, however there are several other cultivars of red, pink, white and yellow. Cultivars as a rule rarely grow true to type; meaning the plants grown from the seeds will revert back to their original parent plant; which is purple. Beware buying seeds online from sellers offering other or multi coloured seeds; as this is not what will grow; other cultivated colours need to be grown by cutting. Yes, there are pictures online of the Butterfly Bush with all different colours seeming to be on one bush; however, these are several coloured bushes planted together to give this effect.

Other common names for this species are Summer Lilac and Orange Eye.


The Butterfly Bush is semi-deciduous, immediately replacing its leaves once they are dropped. It is fast growing and grows to an average height and width of 3 metres. Its branches grow in an arched, weeping way and its beautiful flower spikes are approximately 20 cm’s long and have hundreds of pretty lilac flowers with an orange centre.

Regular pruning will keep this shrub neat and tidy. Prune at least half of the last season growth in late winter to early spring to encourage new growth. Remove flower spikes as they start to fade to avoid seed dispersal and unwanted plants; flower heads don’t usually last more than 10-14 days.

Note: Germination instructions can be found in the ‘Germination Instructions Tab’ below. Upon purchase you will receive these detailed instructions via email so that you have a permanent record.





Cold to Tropical


-15 to 35°C / 5 to 95°F


Not fussy as long as it is well draining soil.


Full Sun – Part Shade


3 metres (10 feet)


3 metres (10 feet)




Perennial, Fast growing, Semi-Deciduous


Low-Medium dependent on area, drought tolerant.


Insect & Bee Pollinated. Bisexual


6 months – 2 years




1-3 weeks






Used in traditional Chinese medicine.


Yes. Not in Australia – yet! Removing flower spikes before they dry our will prevent this.



This species is classed as invasive in the United Kingdom; Malaysia; United States; Puerto Rico; New Zealand; Hawaii and Papua New Guinea. Removing flower spikes before they dry our will prevent any spread.

Buddleja davidii has been reported to grow as much as 2 meters in one year!

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 26 × 16 × 0.5 cm

10 Seeds, 50 Seeds, Seedling, 20 Seeds

Germination Instructions



Step 1

Prepare either a seed tray or individual pots with a well-draining soil mix. This can be made up peat, seed raising mix, garden soil, sand. Most substrates are fine if they are well draining, we use a normal potting mix for these with a little vermiculite and perlite added.

Step 2

Surface sow into a seedling tray or small pots. The seeds are tiny so it can be hard to scatter / space them, there is no need to cover them with any further soil; they need plenty of light to germinate.
Moisten the soil with a mist spray bottle or hose gentle to avoid disturbing the seeds. Do not make the soil too wet, as this will rot/mould your seeds.

If sowing during winter, start indoors a month before last frosts are expected.

Step 3

Cover your tray or pots with plastic kitchen wrap to create a humid environment around the soil or place into a greenhouse if you have one.
Place tray/pots into a well-lit area that is out of direct sunlight and do not allow the soil to dry out at any stage – also avoiding the soil being too wet.

Ideal germination temperatures are 18-23°C / 64-74°F

Seeds will begin germination at around 1-3 weeks.

Step 4

Once seeds have begun to germinate, begin to remove the plastic covering slowly over several days, this will allow air circulation, prevent bacteria build up and to help the seedling adjust to the outdoor environment.

Step 5

Seedlings are ready for transplanting once they have at least two true leaves if necessary and can grow quickly.

Plant into garden after any chance of frost has passed in ether their first or second year; depending on when they were started.
Final position should be full sun; however, they will tolerate some shade. Butterfly Bush can be grown permanently in pots, but they will need to be large and heavy to avoid them toppling over.

Regular pruning may be needed to keep this bush neat and tidy. Remove flower spikes before the dry out to avoid seed dispersal and the spread of unwanted plants in your garden.

Butterfly Bush takes roughly 6-24 months to flower, dependent on climate and sowing season.

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