Echinacea purpurea – Purple Coneflower (Organic)


Purple Coneflowers ( Echinacea purpurea ) are well known as the Echinacea herb which is commonly seen in cold and flu medications, herbal supplements and as an essential oil. These uses are only a small part of what this medicinal plant has to offer, just to name a few, it has immune boosting, detoxifying, antiseptic, digestive and wound care properties.

This species is a perennial plant that is cold, drought, poor soil and heat tolerant. so grows well in any climate.

Purple Coneflowers ( Echinacea purpurea ) are well known as the Echinacea herb which is commonly seen in cold and flu medications, herbal supplements and as an essential oil. These uses are only a small part of what this medicinal plant has to offer, just to name a few, it has immune boosting, detoxifying, antiseptic, digestive and wound care properties.

This species is a perennial plant that is cold, drought, poor soil and heat tolerant. so grows well in any climate. They will go dormant during winter in colder regions and spring back to life once the weather warms again. As a bonus Echinacea purpurea has pretty flowers that can be used a cut flower.


Echinacea purpurea grows in clumps and on average can reach between 1-1.2 metres in height, with a width of 20-30 cm’s. Its leaves are lanceolate in shape and green. The prolific, daisy-like flowers are a light purple to a pinkish colour and have a large button shaped centre that is very attractive to bees and butterflies. Flowers are scented, long stemmed, appear during Summer to Autumn and each flower will last a few weeks.

Coneflowers will self seed readily and can spread around your garden in spots you may not want them. It is a good idea to dead head flowers before they go to seed, unless of course you are wanting to collect seed from them.

This species can grow in quite barren areas, so is heat & drought tolerant. It will also grow in areas that have very cold winters, although it will go dormant during these periods. The plant is not too fussy about soil quality as long as it is well draining, they will no tolerate wet or heavy clay soils. Full sun is the best position but will tolerate some shade.

Suitable for growing in pots.





Cold to Tropical


-34 to 40°C / -29 to 104°F


Well draining.


Full sun – Afternoon Shade


Up to 1.2 cm (4 feet)


Up to 30 cm (1 foot)




Perennial, Clumping




Bees, butterflies. Flowers are bisexual.


12-16 weeks dependent on sowing time.


82% if scarified prior to sowing (see germination instructions tab)


7-21 days


Approximately 180




No but can self seed readily.




Echinacea means ‘spiny’ in Greek and is in reference to the centre of the flower that is spikey, assumedly this is where our Echidna gets its name also.

The fresh or dried flowers, leaves and roots of this species are used to make a tea to boost the immune system and help fight of illness early.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 26 × 16 × .5 cm

20 Seeds, 30 Seeds, 50 Seeds, Seedling

Germination Instructions



Step 1
Germination rates can be low and sporadic from Echinacea, however scarifying (making the seed permeable) and/or cold stratification (putting the seed through a cold period) can significantly change results, from as much as 20-80%. Sow in Spring in a full sun to afternoon shade position.

We have listed 3 methods below that can be helpful with this species you can use one, two or a combination of all 3, if you use all 3 methods, it is best to do them in the order provided.

  • Place a spoonful of moist sand or soil (or a mixture) into the zip-lock bag provided with the seeds and place them into the fridge for one week. (If you can squeeze water out of this mixture it is too wet).
  • Rub (scarify) the seed gently on some sandpaper or concrete to remove a part of the seed coat. This can be tricky as the seeds are small, a pair of tweezers can help. Be careful not to damage the actual seed inside.
  • Soak your seeds in a glass of water for up to 12 hours.

Step 2
Sow the seeds 5 mm deep (¼ inch) immediately after any (or all) of the above treatments straight into the garden or into pots. A well draining soil mix is necessary for flowering, Echinacea often won’t flower in wet, boggy soils.

Water with a mist spray to moisten the soil and keep moist throughout the entire germination period. If planting in pots/tray seeds should be placed in a well lit location but out of direct sun that can dry out the soil very quickly.

Germination Temperatures: 20-24°C / 68-75°F.
Germination Time: 7-21 days.

Step 3
If planted in pots, transplanting can be done once seedlings are strong enough to handle with around 3-4 true leaves.
Spacing: 30 cm (1 foot)
Feeding: Once a year in Spring unless it needs it.

Echinacea can flower within 12-16 weeks after sowing, you can start these indoors 4-6 weeks prior to Spring to get extra flowering in the first season.

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